Muscians and charity go together like pickle and cheese. They love to give, we like to receive. But don't let the likes of holier-than-thou Bono, Sting and Chris Martin put you off . The Yellow Bird Project is a non-profit organisation, based in Montreal, that gathers together musicians such as Bon Iver, Little Boots and Broken Social Scene to design T-Shirts and give the proceeds to their chosen charites. Not only does this raise awareness for the charity but it also gives the muscians a chance to flex their creative muscles, for the good of mankind, without selling their souls to companies with fruits for logos.
My new husband, Devendra Banhart, was the first musician to contribute a design. Ah, so kind, so loving, so generous. The proceeds from his T-Shirt are going to the 'Teenage Cancer Trust'. I also really like The Shins design, as well as Clap Yours Hands and Say Yeah's interesting effort.
Check out the website, you could find something you like...
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