Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Reid Peppard and Polly Morgan

What better way to start this blog then by writing about a dead hamster on a comb... Seriously though, I've found myself falling head over heels in love with Reid Peppard's more than interesting creations. Now that Autumn is approaching, I'm thinking one of his pieces would be a wonderful way to spice up an outfit. Perhaps slightly controversial, I think everything he creates is beautiful. Yes, I said beautiful. Don't you think so?

I totally have my eye on Peppard's pigeon wing headband. It's like angel-wings for the city dweller. He takes animals, usually considered vermin in the Western world, and gives them the opportunity to look glamourous and command centre stage. It's tongue in cheek with depth.
Taxidermy is all the rage right now. Polly Morgan's 'The Age of Marvelous' Exhibition starts on October 15th (One Marylebone Road), where her elegant, provocative, frightening and delicate masterpieces will be on display. In the past she has placed a stuffed crow on a telephone and a dead bunny 'sleeping' next to a magic hat. What imagination!
I'm desperate to get my hands on one of her prints and if you check out her website, I'm sure you'll be impressed as well. See you at the exhibition.
P.S. I'll be the girl in the corner with wings sprouting from her head.

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