From everything I've heard (and everything I've seen) this exhibition is a complete must see. Even if you're not a fan of religious art, or even art, it's been the buzz exhibition of past few months. And I've yet to go, damn it. Looking back on religious art from the Spanish Golden Age (1600-1700), amazing polychrome wood sculptures are placed side by side with paintings from masters like Velazquez and more. Apparently, the sculptures are so true to life stadning next to them is an eery and surreal experience.

It's amazing that they still exist, as many were destroyed. Their realness was seen as blasphemy: people didn't mind seeing painted images of Christ on a cross but they didn't want to see it in 3-D, sitting right next to them. They didn't want to feel it, to be comfronted with the 'hyper -reality' of Jesus's death. So, yes, sadly many got destroyed. I'm going this weekend and you should to as it finishes on the 24th of this month. You'll completley regret it if you don't (all the statues are on loan from very over-protective nuns and preists in Spain...).

The Sacred Made Real at the National Gallery. Ends 24th Jan, 2010.
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