Like most of you out there, I love the excitement of waiting for something ordered online to arrive. The thrill of signing for an asos package or rummaging through polystyrene balls to uncover a DVD from amazon is something that brightens up five minutes in the day. But the big thrills, the really, really special ones don't come cheep. But, really, who cares?

J Smith Esquire, bespoke millinery extraordinaire, has put his beautiful creations online for us all to buy. Imagine a giant elephant trunk arriving on your doorstep! Each piece is completely individual and the hairdresser turned hat-making genius has made a great move by supplying his hats to everyone and everything.

My fave is a beautiful pheasant, curled around horse hair Swarovski crystals, glass beads and much more. £650... better start saving. Do you think the price includes postage and packaging?

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